Office Cubicle, Philadelphia

Work / Study Pods

Kirby Urner
5 min readApr 13, 2018

The concept of “pod” derives most directly from “cubicle”. A cubicle was never meant as a cube exactly, but had the intended purpose of providing some privacy and insulation from coworkers. One could decorate one’s cubicle. Likewise a pod. “Study carrel” is another influence. In some universities, a senior student or faculty member may be granted such a carrel as a kind of office, or personal workspace (PWS).

The competitive Pod Maker, in this science fiction, is providing office workers with options in some Great Outdoors. The units tend to be free standing. One might imagine adding wheels in which case we’re closer to the Business Mobile (BizMo for short). Office workers (officers) roam around, perhaps parking for extended periods. A roving company might fill a parking lot, perform some work, then move on. Construction companies often operate this way, with officers based in trailers. Members of the architectural firm are more likely in offices.

Catalog of Pod Designs

Those making a living in interior design will be quick to point out that open indoor spaces, like factory floors, have often been the rule. Cubicles are more the exception than the rule, in movies about busy newspaper rooms. The journalists have their desks, but also need to…

