Member-only story



Kirby Urner
4 min readDec 20, 2020

Comprehension is frustrated by our misconditioned seeking for the instatic synopsis viewpoint, or call it the search for Instant Universe which, once conceived, could be some desk-top model, like an astrolabe, that is IT! Instead, comprehension comes with patient application of operational terms associated with very generalized assortments of desk-top items: polyhedrons, marbles, models constructed from paper, wood and thread. MIND brings light to the workspace. But first, brain must get out of the way by placing itself in a subordinate position. This happens out of acceptance and recognition of the importance of non-simultaneity of Universe events meaning: the discrete quantum special-case experiences with desk-top items needed to inter-associate to create comprehensible models of great metaphysical integrity occur “out of order” and wildly scattered in linear duration. MIND orders the sewn in harvested packages thick with demonstrations of principles. For example: Synergetics 522.00 develops our conception of the deliberately non-straight line. )recall: the WWII airplane dogfight (522.23). )recall: the setting Sun (522.21).

With acceptance of non-simultaneity comes a willingness to strike out in new directions with only the stars to steer by. We trust INTUITION enough to embark on altogether new scenario adventures. Like the boy scout with his trusty pocket knife setting forth into Jungle, so our new era cosmologist space-case plunges into Universe armed with a plastic tetrahedron and a bag of marbles. Jungle = Universe…



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