[ original on the Math4Wisdom (M4W) listserv ]
Greetings Andrius et al —
My next teaching gig starts mid March, so I’m still keeping up on my readings and many of the viewings. As I approach that teaching tunnel, I foresee slacking off (in terms of posting long ones like this), but not tuning out.
Andrius, thank you for tuning in so many of my YouTubes and bouncing off my curriculum materials a lot, if only to better define what M4W is not.

Defining the “is not space” is a way of defining the complementary “is space”.
For now, the Platonic solids and their arrangement in a Kepler-like matryoshka is non-germane to attaining wisdom (enlightenment?) through higher math, in your case at least.
Obviously that’s something I keep active around in my own M4W namespace, but not necessarily all of that other stuff either (e.g. Monster Group and E8 — I’m pretty meh about that stuff).
M4W is intelligently designed around you using it as a vehicle for your own further enlightenment. That makes sense! Otherwise what’s the point?