Martian Math: Cheat Sheet

School of Tomorrow

Kirby Urner


Tetrabook: One triangular page flapping between two triangular book covers (flat on table)

The way the Martians teach Earthling math is: the green cube on the right is made of R-unit edges. The blue tetrahedron on the left is made of D-unit edges. D = 2R.

2R = D (from Synergetics)

However if you stand the page straight up i.e. make a right angle to the open book covers, then the resulting right tetrahedron, with edges 2 but for the long edge, has the same volume as the green cube.


Martians use the blue tetrahedron as their unit. Earthlings use the green tetrahedron, but reshaped into a cube (same volume).

Let’s go back to our tetrahedron of edges 5 (5-frequency tetrahedron), with the smaller yellow, shaded tetrahedron inside.

2 x 2 x 5 = 20

In XYZ, those green edges are all 2R i.e. this matrix is from the CCP. So we could say this is a 10 x 10 x 10 regular tetrahedron.

